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Image by Markus Blüthner

Spider Control

Many different spider species can be found in Las Vegas such as black widow, desert brown recluse, wolf and a variety of house spiders. Many spider species prefer to live in dark, secluded areas such as boxes, seasonal decorations or closets. Some spider species nest in damp places in and around your property. When disturbed, some spiders may bite and be extremely dangerous.


Some of the most common spiders found in the Las Vegas Valley include:
– Wolf Spiders: These spiders are not aggressive. They don’t build webs and are great night hunters feeding mostly off the insects found around your home. They do inject venom when they bite, but most people only experience mild discomfort.
– Brown Recluse Spiders: The brown recluse is also known as the fiddle back spider because of the dark fiddle shaped marking on its back. They prefer to be left alone and will often inhabit places with little to no human activity. Their bite can be particularly harmful and can cause serious health problems when they strike.  They also are hunters only using a nest web as a home.
– Black Widow Spiders: This is a dangerous spider and is easily distinguished by the red hourglass shape on the underside of the abdomen. While their bite is painful and the inject venom when they bite, rarely is their bite a fatal one.
– Giant House Spiders: While their funnel shaped webs may be a nuisance, they don’t pose a real threat as they rarely bite unless they are provoked. Their bite is mild and rarely poses any threat to humans.


While all spider bites are venomous, there are only two spider species found in Las Vegas that are considered life threatening: Black widow and brown recluse spiders. Black widows are highly aggressive. After being bitten, many people require emergency care. The venom of brown recluse spiders is not as toxic as the black widow spider, it contains a very dangerous enzyme that can lead to skin necrosis and lesions. Medical attention is recommended for both types of bites.

Spider Inspections & Treatment in Aliante, Centennial Hills, Cimarron Springs, Desert Shores, Iron Mountain Ranch, Lone Mountain, Mountain Shadows, Peccole Ranch, Skypointe, Summerlin, Summerlin South, The Lakes, West Sahara & Greater Northwest Las Vegas, NV

Preempt Pest Control will help you distinguish between harmless and harmful species and control a spider or other pest infestation. We will be able to share preventative steps you can take to help stress and eliminate their habitat around your property. Call us to treat pest infestations that may be attracting spiders to your residence!

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